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Yes. Sunlight is a necessity for plants to perform photosynthesis which is how they make food (glucose). This glucose is needed for the plant so survive and more is needed to help the plant grow. Without the solar energy from the sun plants can't live or grow. Also, if a plant does not receive enough sunlight, it will not grow as much as it would otherwise. However, too much sunlight can also harm plants. It depends on the particular plant as to how much sunlight is needed.

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Q: Does sunlight affect the growth of plants?
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Does sunlight affect the growth of a plant in any specific way?

Sunlight influences the growth of plants through a process known as photosynthesis. It gives plants the energy necessary for them to manufacture energy and therefore grow.

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I'm not really sure what you're saying, but sunlight is necessary to plant growth. It provides the energy needed for plants to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.

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Without sunlight, plants can not survive.

How does the amount of light affect how plants grow?

Plants are autotrophs, they need light energy to prepare chemical energy and this is called photosythesis...plants need sunlight for its growth and development.

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When a plant has no water the root dries up. In order for a plant to grow it needs water and sunlight

Do different light intensities affect plant growth?

Yes. Some plants prefer direct sunlight and some need less.

What should be the effect of too much sunlight to growth by plants?

What should be the effect of too much sunlight to growth by plants?the plant might dry up