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Q: Does sprite fizz because of the carbonated water in it?
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Related questions

Does corn syrup make the fizz in Sprite?

No. The fizz in any soft drink is made by carbonated water.

Why does water not fizz?

Regular water from the tap does not fizz because it is not carbonated. You can purchase carbonated water from the grocery store, which fizzes like soda.

How does sprite have anything to do with science?

sprite is a carbonated drink so it will have carbon dioxide in it which will make it fizz

Why does pepsi fizz more than sprite?

And sprite has fizz

Why is Diet Coke fizzy?

If you shake the can then it wont only fizz and sizzle but explode because the citric acid will make the bubbles with the other ingredients will make CO2 and the solution will have no where to go but explode with a million bubbles coming out the can.

Does Cokes or Sprites fizz last longer?

The fizz of Sprite lasts longer than Coca Cola's. This is because Sprite has a lot of carbon dioxide in it, so its fizz lasts longer.?æ

Why does sprite fizz more than coke?

Because Sprite has more carbination than Coke. Carbination is what makes bubbles in most carbonated drinks. Coke has more flavoring syrup than sprite. In most health issues, it is better to drink Sprite and other clear sodas because they do not have much sugary syrup in them. i hoped this helped you out.

What does CO2 do in carbonated soda?

Carbonated soda has CO2 in it because the gas make the soda bubble and fizz.

Which drink contains the most fizz coke or sprite?

the drink that contains the most fizz is sprite

Why does cola fizz in them?

Due to the chemical reaction of the carbonated water interacting with the baking powder.

Why does sprite fizz up more than pepsi?

why sprite fizzs up more than pepsi is because sprite has more carbination in it then pepsi

Which soda has the more fizz sprite or pepsi?

sprite and pepsi