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Yes. I have spondolythesis and if I am inactive for weeks at a time, I develop sciatic pain. If I walk daily though, no problem!

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Q: Does spondolythesis cause sciatic pain
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Can the sciatic nerve cause pain in neck left arm and left leg?

No the sciatic nerve only affects the legs.

Can an intestine move and cause sciatic pain?

Great question! Typically sciatic pain is caused either by bony pressure on the sciatic nerve or more commonly by muscle pressure on the nerve as it passes through the large gluteal (buttock) muscles. The nerve isn't in the abdominal cavity where the intestines are so it doesn't seem likely that could be the cause of sciatic pain. Intestines can be filled with fecal material or feel lumpy but they are pretty well attached.

Does the sciatic nerve pass through the lesser sciatic foeamen?

If you look up the nervous system there are 3 places in your lower back that cause Sciatic or pinched nerve in three locations. Lower lumbar back at 3,4,5, cause pain in the left or right backside cheek, a shorter nerve. One causes pain that comes into the groin are from the backside around and up through groin. One causes the pain that runs down the outside seem of your pants and can end of in the second little toe. (next to the pinkie toe) It is called the Sciatic nerve.

Could a small quarter-sized lump on your back about an inch to the right of the spine cause back spasms leg numbness and sciatic pain?

Yes it can, especially if it is on or near the sciatic nerve.

What can cause back pain besides muscle tear or spasm?

Pinched nerve .Or sciatica, an inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

A problem with the sacral plexus may cause pain in the posterior part of the thigh?

Yes, because sciatic nerve might be affected.

What medication can you take for sciatic pain?

what medication to take for sciatic nerve pain. already tried ibuprofen, aleve and ibuprofen. A better question is what is causing the pain. If you have tried those medications and had no relief you should see your Doctor for further investigations. An MRI can show up slipped discs, bulging and disc protrusion and nerve compression. Once the cause of the problem is identified, new options for treatment can be used.

What are some treatments for sciatic pain?

Some treatments for sciatic pain are to see a spine doctor and see if they can prescribe a medicine painkiller, or help with surgical or non-surgical methods to help relieve pain.

What foods help with joint and sciatic pain?

There are nine foods listed that will help with joint and sciatic pain. Some of the names of the foods are pineapple, berries, beef, garlic, and ginger.

What is the association of disc herniation and sciatica?

Lumbar disc hernias are commonly associated with sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the lower back) due to disc protrusion or herniation that compresses the spinal nerve root radiating to the femoral or sciatic nerve.

Are there any stretches that will help my sciatic nerve pain?

Traditional exercises and home treatments don't work because they fail to fix the physical problem and only provide temporary relief. Sciatica is just a symptom of something affecting your sciatic nerve to cause the pain and discomfort. A chiropractor can help get to the root of the problem and help align your body correctly to prevent the pain from reoccurring.

Overview of Sciatic Nerve Pain?

There are a number of things that can cause lower back pain. One of these conditions is sciatica or sciatic nerve pain. Besides pain, this condition can be characterized by tingling or numbness in the leg, all the way down to the ankle and foot.What Are the Causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain?The sciatic nerve, which is actually a bundle of spinal nerves, begins in the lower back and extends down through the buttocks and into the leg and foot. When something happens that pinches the sciatic nerve the result is pain, numbness, and tingling.The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc. This ruptured disc presses on the roots of the nerves that lead to the sciatic nerve. There are other conditions that can have an affect on the spine and the sciatic nerve:Spinal stenosis An abnormal narrowing the spinal canalBone spurs small growths of bone along the joints in the spineArthritisCompression of a nerve root due to an injuryHow to Treat Sciatic Nerve painFrequently, sciatica will go away on its own. Most treatments concentrate on either medication or stretching and exercise to stop the pain. Some common recommendations for treatment include:Take acetaminophen like Tylenol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen.Apply heat or ice for 20 minutes at a time approximately every 3 hours. Either one may temporarily ease the pain.Avoid sitting as much as is possible.Doctors often recommend regular stretching exercises that concentrate on the lower back.If the symptoms of sciatic nerve pain are not relieved by any of these treatments, additional treatment may be required. This treatment may depend on the actual cause of the sciatica. Doctors may suggest physical therapy, steroid injections, or muscle relaxants.Surgery is always the last option when all other courses of action have failed. But if the cause of the nerve pain is something like a herniated disc, there are less invasive endoscopic surgeries to repair the disc that is causing the pain.