

Does sound travel faster than light through solids?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, at least, not typically. For example, a typical glass may have an index of refraction of about 1.5, meaning that the speed of light in the glass is reduced by that factor. This means the speed of light is 200,000 km/sec, still much, much more than the speed of sound.

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Q: Does sound travel faster than light through solids?
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Light generally doesn't travel faster through solids than through gases. Sound does, but not light.

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Why do you think sound usually travel fastest through solids but light usually travel slowest through solids?

As you know, light is electromagnetic wave. While sound is mechanical wave, Sound requires a medium to travel, and sound offers best condition for it. While light is enegry packates (photons) and solids hinder its path making it slower.

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it travels faster through air.

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light travels slower because solids are denser than other forms and he particles dont let light pass through them easily

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