

Does plasma have atoms like a solid liquid or gas?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Probably somewhat like a gas.

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Q: Does plasma have atoms like a solid liquid or gas?
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Is lava a plasma?

Magma is not plasma since plasma is neither solid ,liquid or gas while magma is always solid when cool and liquid when hot.

Is carbon dioxide made of matter?

Yes because the four (yes four) stages of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma and carbon dioxide is mostly in the form of a gas but also can be solid or liquid but not plasma, plasma is more like fire or lava.

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In liquid steel, the atoms are more free and can move around like water. In solid steel the atoms are tightly packed and cannot move at all.

What are some properties of matter?

Matter is defined as anything that has mass and occupies a volume. It can be in four states: Solid, Liquid, Gas, or Plasma (Like in the Stars, or the Sun). All matter is composed of atoms.

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Hand cream is not a solid. Part of it`s Atoms are flowing like i a liquid

Is plasma part of the solid liquid and gas group?

Plasma might be considered part of the solid, liquid and gas group. That's because, like a solid, a liquid or a gas, a plasma is another state of matter. It could be treated as a fluid, as gases and liquids are often considered. Plasma is another state of matter that might be said to be "beyond" gas. If we superheat a substance greatly and drive electrons out of their orbitals around parent atoms, we end up with a plasma. Plasma is generally considered the fourth state of matter by physicists. A material that is "cool" enough to exist as a solid can be heated and undergo a change of state to become a liquid. Heat that substance more and it becomes a gas. Heat it yet more and it becomes ionized particles we call a plasma. Use the link below to learm more about the fourth state of matter.

What is fire a solid liquid or gas or neither?

fire is a thing called plasma, which is like a gas but the electrons are free, or something like that examples of plasma are: aurora, lightning, fire :)

How do you know a solid is a solid?

if rubber was a liquid it would be like water, if it was a gas it would be like steam, if it was a plasma you wouldn't be able to get anywhere near it without dieing therefore it must be a solid :-)

Can matter be found in a plasma state in the liver?

Only if you fell into a nuclear reactor, and then only for a short time. Seriously... you are mixing up two different meanings of the word plasma. In physics there are four states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Plasma is what happens when you heat something up very high. Start with a solid, heat it up till it melts. Now you have a liquid. Heat the liquid till it boils. Now you have a gas. Heat the gas until the molecules break down, now heat it more until the electrons have so much energy that they escape from the nucleus of the atoms. Now you have a plasma state. A plasma is like a gas, expect that all of the particles are charged. In biology plasma is a part of blood. If you start with whole blood then remove the red cells, the white cells, and platelets then you are left with a yellowish liquid. That liquid is plasma.

Can an individual atom be a solid liquid or gas?

atoms make up the world and us humans, so they are present in solids, liquids and gases. A2:although atoms are present in solids liquids and gases, they are truly "solid", because when matter is in liquid form, it just means that there is more space between atoms, so you are feeling less matter and more space/vacuum. if somehow, you were to touch a single atom, it probably be solid, because solids are atoms tightly packed, so you are feeling more matter and less space Atoms are neither solid, liquid nor gas. Atoms are composed of subatomic (meaning smaller than an atom) "particles" called protons, electrons and neutrons. Although we call them particles, they are not physical things that can be described as solid, liquid or gas.

Why is plasma in lighting?

Plasma is not in lightning, but rather lightning is plasma. Plasma is a state of matter, just like a solid, liquid, or gas. Plasma is a gas-like state made of very hot charged particles. The gases in the air are briefly converted to plasma then back to gas just like melting and refreezing ice.

What is gas in astronomy?

Gas in astronomy is not one particular thing, it is a state of matter just like solid, liquid and plasma.