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global population is rising exponentially - it needs an even higher exponentially rising oil production to sustain - oil is finite and is now declining - we will witness the collapse! - it is inevitable and real data show that it will collapse within 5 - 20 years and will be history in 2040. how it will collapse?

oil production will surpass a certain level which will trigger the fragile global oil driven agriculture to stop into a grinding hold.

scarcity, famine, pogroms, war and nuclear exchange are inevitable.

nobody will starve to death voluntarily. 7 of 9 billion will die in less than 5 years.

95% of all food is provided by the use of oil. the other 5% by the use of coal, natural gas and domestic animals.

our politicians simply want to win year after year of the status quo. which means growth. there will be one bad year when the status quo doesn't hold any longer and it will be soon.

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Q: Does overpopulation cause civilizations to collapse?
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