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Q: Does niacin work to clean THC from your system?
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Does regular niacin flush THC from your system?

Yes, but the amount you should use depends on how much you weigh, and how much THC you have in your system.

Will jogging 5 miles a day clean THC out of your system?

Yes when you run you burn fat and that helps flush out some of the thc. I've heard niacin pills work, drinking cranberry juice & water may work as well...

Which niacin pills do you buy to help speed up cleaning THC out your system?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- out of your system. See the Related Question below for more information.

How long do you have to take niacin to clear your system of THC?

Niacin does not clean drugs -- any drug -- from your system. This is a myth. See the Related Questions below for more information.

Are there vitamins that will flush THC out of your system?


If an energy drink has niacin in it does it clean your system of marijuana?

no, because only water, exercise, and time can clean THC from your system.

How many niacin do it take to clean your system?

How many niacin pills do you got to take to clean weed out of your system? 7-10 taking one a day and drinking lots of fluids.

Does pomegranate have THC in it?

Niacin works Best. It comes in both food, liquid, and oral form. Or drink vinegar and it will clean out your system.

Does slo-niacin get THC out of system?

Yes it can help flush you or at least hide the THC

Does niacin 100 mg clean your system of THC?

Flushing is something that closet chemists came up with to sell products. It does not actually work. The only thing that actually works is your own body's metabolism. It will remove the THC in its own time. There is nothing you can take that will boost that.

How do you clens your system of thc?

Niacin lots of Niacin. But he cautious cause it doesn't always work. Sweating, and pissing will help too. And cranberry pills. But if you need to cleanse why smoke?

Does niacin rid your system of THC for good?

Yes it can Take atleast 2 pills a day And drinks alot of water should clean it in less then A week