

Best Answer

Yes it does it's relieves the pain and tension in the area where the disease is

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Q: Does massage help ease the pain caused by the osgood slatters disease?
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Are there any famous athletes who had osgood slatters disease?

Dai Green is an Olympian and World Champion hurdler. He was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter disease as a teen. Osgood-Schlatter is an irritation of the patellar ligament and is characterized by painful lumps just below the knee and is most often seen in young adolescents

Is Osgood Schlatters disease a permanent condition?

Osgood Schatters Disease is a painful illness. It is caused by a boney bump under the knee cap that connects to the shin. It is common in young people and seems to lessen with pain over time.

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Is osgood schlatters disease genetic?

Osgood Schlatter Disease is a genetic disorder

How did osgood-schlatter disease get its name?

Dr. Osgood and Dr. Schlatter were the first two doctors to discover and find a cure for this disease.

Is Osgood schlatters disease worse than Achilles heel?

Osgood schlatters disease is in fact worse than Achilles hell much worse

How common is osgood-schlatter disease in dogs?


How many professional athletes have osgood schlatters disease?


Which pro athletes have had osgood schlatter disease?

Derek jeter

Is osgood schlatter disease common?

yes, in young athletic people.

What are 5 names of famous athletes with osgood schlatters disease?

paul scholes

Our chiropractor says calcium supplements bought from him are necessary in the treatment of osgood-schlatters is this true?

Calcium supplements (from your chiropractor or elsewhere) are not a treatment for Osgood-Schlatters disease.