

Does green sea turtle bury their eggs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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of course they do

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Q: Does green sea turtle bury their eggs?
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What vertebrate usually leaves eggs unprotected?

sea turtle. they bury their eggs and leave them. once the eggs hatch they are left to fend for themselves.

What reptile lays eggs under water?

The tropical freshwater turtle macrochelodina rugosa lays its eggs underwater.

Is the green turtle a sea turtle?

yes it is called the green sea turtle There is a species known as the green sea turtle, latin name Chelonia mydas. They are the slowest growing of the sea turtle species due to a diet low in protein. They are characterized by the starburst pattern on the shell and two scales between the eyes. Sadly they are poached for their greenish skin :(

Why do Sea turtle Mothers bury eggs in sand?

To prepare them for the end of their lives when they'll be buried as well. It's the cycle of life

Where does sea tutrle's fit on the food chain?

Sea turtle Hatchlings: Plankton, Fish eggs, jellyfish --> Hatchling Sea turtle--> Crabs, Seabirds, Raccoons Sea turtle Adult: Green Algae, Seagrass--> Adult Sea turtle--> Sharks (sorry if this is not what you are looking for!)

What color is a sea turtles blood?

Sea turtle's eggs are normally a white to beige colour

When was Green sea turtle created?

Green sea turtle was created in 1758.

Does the green sea turtle shiver?

does the green sea turtle shiver

What are all of the different sea turtles?

# green turtle # box turtle # wood turtle # stinkpot turtle

Where does the mother green sea turtle leave her eggs after birth?

Some places on a beach, under sand .

What type of sea turtle is crush from finding nemo?

Green Sea Turtle

How does a green sea turtle reproduce?

The mother gets on shore digs a burrow then lays eggs in it. After a while the eggs with hatch and the baby's will crawl to the ocean