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I think technically they probably can. But I do think that most county animal control people like to see a happy resolution with the owner. Since I don't know the details of the case it's very hard to be more specific. They may take into account the nature of the violation. Most agencies would probably work with the owners if at all possible. Have you discussed this with them? If this is a repeat offence they may feel that you are not taking care of or restraining your animal according to the law. Run it past them and see if you can work something out.

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Q: Does animal control have the right to take your animal from you just because you could not come up with all the fines at once?
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It depends on where you live. Your local animal control site should be able to help you find out more. Some places require them to be spayed or neutered, some don't. Tickets, fines etc. are the penalty if it is required and you don't do it. Animal control makes sweeps on occasion where I live to check registration and the above.

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up to 1,000 dollars and it depends if the animal is endangered

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There is no past tense of the word "fines," because it is a noun. But, if in a pastly sentence then it would be: I got a fine, or I got many fines.

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The consequences for break the animal law in Australia?

depending on the seriousness of the offence anything from a slap on the wrist to fines to prison sentences.

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Game violations often do include jail-time in addition to fines.

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what do you mean what are the risks?? i hope to god you aren't abusing anything alive, or dead for that matter! the risks would be confiscation of the animal, heavy fines and/or imprisonment.