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No,a preposition does not have to have a preposition phrase,but a prepositional phrase does have to have a preposition

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Q: Does a preposition always have to have prepositional phrase?
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To is a preposition, but it's not a prepositional phrase unless there is an object of the preposition.

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Yes, a prepositional phrase begins with a preposition.

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A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with an object of a preposition.

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A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition.

What are the first word or words in a prepositional phrase?

The first word in a prepositional phrase is the preposition, which is a word that shows the relationship between its object and another part of the sentence. The preposition is followed by a noun or pronoun, which is known as the object of the preposition.

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No, "is" is a linking verb, not a preposition. A prepositional phrase typically includes a preposition (e.g., in, on) followed by an object (e.g., the table).

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"In your backyard" is a prepositional phrase. The preposition is "in" and "backyard" is a noun, the object of the preposition.

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Yes, the phrase from the refrigerator is a prepositional phrase. from is a preposition

3 parts to a prepositional phrase?

The three parts of the prepositional phrase is the preposition,object of the preposition and the modifiers,

Is if you saw a prepositional phrase?

If you saw is not a prepositional phrase. If is a conjunction, not a preposition.

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Simple is an adjective, not a preposition or a prepositional phrase.

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No wear is not a prepositional phrase nor a preposition