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think of it this way if this child is not 18 then he is not allowed to leave anyway (there are some special cases when children get legal adult status but this does not normally happen) so why would a court order someone to pay this child for doing something illegal

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Q: Does a parent have to paychild support to a child who ran- away from home in New York State?
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Can a child sue a parent for child support?

Not technically. Child support is for a custodial parent to support the child. Check your state laws.

Do you have to paychild support in Virginia if you sign over your parental right?

Yes, unless/until the child is adopted.

Can you claim arrears for child support taken from parent if you are 21 or older?

Support is owed to the parent (or the State), not the child.

Can custodial parent move out of state if there is an existing child support order in one state?

No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.No. If there is a child support order that means a state court has jurisdiction over the child. If the parent who is paying child support has any parental rights of custody or visitation the custodial parent would need the NC parent's consent and court approval to move out of state. The existing orders would have to be modified.

Can a parent be liable if their child is a ward of the state?

Liable for what? Which State? In Missouri you can be ordered to pay child support to the State if your child is a ward of the state.

Can a parent change their mind about child support from the noncustodial parent and have it dropped?

According to the State of Georgia, unless you have taken this matter up in court to have this amended, not to pursue child support for the child the non-custodial parent is still obligated to pay child support

Who gets child support when the child is grown?

The obligor (generally, the State and/or the custodial parent).

Does the wife of the noncustodial parent that owes child support have to pay the custodial parent child support if the noncustodial parent is not working?

It depends on the state. If your state calculates child support based on household income, then yes, she would be required to pay her husband's child support. If your state calculates child support based on only the non-custodial parent's income, then no, should would not be required to pay. However, her husband would still owe that money, and it will continue to accumulate as a debt until he pays it.

What state should child support order be established when non-custodial parent lives in different state from child?

The State where the child lives.

Is it possible to transfer child support order from one state another making the state where the custodial parent and the child reside the state with jurisdiction?

No, it stays in the state of the obligor parent, as it should.

Can ward of the state child go after a parent for support if they dont have custody?

Only the state can.

Does back child support go to the overaged child or to the parent?

The custodial parent, it is assumed that he or she supported the child with their income. If however a state agency was involved in the support of the child that agency would receive the arrearages.