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Yes. Radiation is to the emission of energy in rays / waves. Heat moves through space as energy waves. It is the type of heat one feels when sitting in front of a fireplace or around a buring camp fire or in this case a candle all though because the flame will be smaller (at the buring wick the heat will be much less) . It travels in straight lines at the speed of light. This is the reason that when facing the fire, only your front is warmed. The back of you is not warmed until you turn around. Most of the preheating of fuels ahead of a fire is by radiation of heat from the fire. As the fire front gets closer, the amount of radiant heat received is increased.

You will also have convection;

Convection is the transfer of heat by the physical movement of hot masses of air. As air is heated, it expands (as do all objects). As it expands, it becomes lighter then the surrounding air and it rises. (This is why the air near the ceiling of a heated room is warmer than that near the floor.) A candle does this but because its such a samll flame its does not make any major change in a normal room envirom ment unless many burn at one time

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