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it depends on where there colony is if it is in side the inner walls yes if it isn't then no.

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Q: Does a bug bomb kill termites?
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How do you kill bed bugs on body?

Bomb your apartment with a bug bet is to keep clean and uncluterd and throw away your box spring and buy a cat.

What type of bug eats books?

Termites , Silverfish , Carpet Beetles ,

Which insects are the natural enemy of termites?

Ants are termites #1 worst enemy. There's also a type of assassin bug that hunts termites by disguising themselves with nest material. They then kill a termite, and use their victim's body as a lure for other termites.

Where can you buy a bug bomb?

Most outlets that have an aisle with bug sprays.

Will a bug bomb kill the ticks hiding on fabric?

it will .... BUT i would not want to sleep on the bed after you bomb it ... not because of the dead bugs ... will that would add to it ... but the chemicals alone ... its best to just buy a new mattress or call an exterminator ...

Can termites kill dogs?

They can but only minorly. If there is a very large amount of termites it is more serious.

What happens when you inhale bug bomb?

A bug bomb is poison that's why it kills the bugs. So, if you breathe it in you are getting poisoned. Not smart.

What creature kills termites?

Termites are extremely fragile. Almost anything will kill them. The hard part is preventing them..

Does a bug bomb kill lice?

Well.... a bug bomb does have pesticides, i suppose if you really wanted to be idiotic enough to set off a bug bomb by your head and get sick and possibly die, yea its worth a shot. And hey, if it doesn't work at least I'll get a kick outta reading the newspapers afterwards.

Can rubbing alcohol kill termites?

The rubbing alchohol could kill the termites but only for small mounds.If there is a huge mound better call a professional.

What kind of bug is black brown and black found in cupboards?

It could possibly be termites.

What pesticide can you use to kill termites in bamboo?