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Motrin is ibuprofen, which is a pain reliever. It will help with mild lower Back pain. It is not a miracle drug and for severe pain one should contact a doctor.

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Q: Does Motrin help with lower back pain?
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If Motrin does not help, often a warm shower or a hot pad on the front abdomen or lower back may help to relieve the pain. Please consult a doctor or the bottle for the correct dosage of Motrin.

Do lower back pain exercises help with pain?

Unfortunately, once you've experienced lower back pain you will always have it. It can go away for awhile but it'll always come back. Lower back exercises might help, but it might also make it worse.

How do you help lower back pain?

If its a minor pain then heat and Motrin will help.Somatics exercises are simple, easy lazy movements where we get the brain to release held muscular tension and stress.Many people find a TENS machine very good for back pain..

Will more abdominal training help with lower back pain?

It may be try that abdominal training can help lower back pain but this may not be your issue. Lower back pain can be caused by a variety of reasons and you should consult your local medical practicioner or witch doctor.

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How can you stop lower back pain?

If you have lower back pain, make sure you are stretching properly in the morning and before bed. To get rid of the aching, you may try to alternate a heat pad and an icepack, to determine what works best for you. If this is an occasional distress, you may safely take Motrin for the pain, but see a doctor if this increases to daily.

Will lying on a heating pad ease your lower back pain?

Typically a heating pad will help to ease lower back pain. The heat will help to get blood flowing in the area, dull the pain from nerve endings, and ease the tension on stretched muscles.

Is advil or Aleve or Motrin ok for back pains?

Aleve is a good drug for minor aches and pains. It may help with chronic low back pain, depending on the severity. Stretching and walking every day is probably the best solution for low back pain.

I am 5 weeks pregnant with lower back pain is this normal I work in an office sitting all day and it's mostly at work when I get it. Help?

Yes, lower back pain is normal.

My girlfriends back hurts n theres bump on the lower left side what can i do to calm her pain?

If your girlfriend's back hurts and there is a bump on the lower left side of it, you can have her take ibuprofen to help relieve the pain temporarily.

Does inversion help lower back pain?

Inversion can do a little help to provide you with relief for back pain. However, it is not recommended for people with heart disease and blood pressure issue.

Why Lower back pain all the way across going to lower stomach all the way across?

Lower back pain can often cause pain all the way around to the front of the body. Alternating heat and cold packs may help.