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Mercury does not have what we would call an atmosphere. It is very, very thin , a collection of a few atoms per cubic meter, some being ionized from the surface. It is less than a trillionth of Earth's.

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10y ago

NO, they dont have atmosphere. Because of their proximity to the sun.

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Do Mercury and Venus have thick atmospheres?

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Venus is hotter than Mercury because Venus has a atmosphere and Mercury doesn't so Mercury can't keep so much heat in as Venus can.

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Except earth and Venus, no other planet has atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere absorbs UV rays due to presence of Ozone but Venus does not have Ozone and it's atmosphere is made up of greenhouse gases.

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Venus is hotter than Mercury because Venus traps heat and cannot escape from the Sun in the atmosphere.

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Distinguish planet Venus from Mercury?

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Even though Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus, Venus is hotter because it has a dense atmosphere that traps the suns heat while Mercury does not.

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How many satellites are with in the atmosphere of Mercury?

Mercury and Venus do not have any natural satellites (Moons).

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