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No. No distilled hard alcohol has carbs, including rum, vodka, tequila. And Diet Soda doesn't have carbs. However, all alcohol has calories. A shot of Bacardi has about 100 - 125 calories, so with the Diet Coke, that's what you're getting.

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Q: Does bacardi have carbs
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Carbohydrates in Bacardi rum?

There are no carbohydrates in rum.What_are_some_frequently_asked_nutrition_questions

Does Bacardi rum turn into sugar after it's in your body?

No sugar or carbs in Rum (unless flavored) Stay away from flavored Rum's.

Are there any alcoholic drinks with no carbs?

Bacardi is my drink of choice when I'm on the Atkins diet. As long as you don't go mad, you'll not notice a thing!

What is the sugar content of Bacardi white rum?

From the research and information I know, there is no sugar or carbs in the nutritional facts but the kicker is that I just found out that because rum is made from sugar cane, it still breaks down in your body the way sugar does. Confusing. This was shocking to me but I assume it is true from word of mouth and research. Also apparently, alcohol itself breaks down in the body in a very similar way. I've been drinking this "diet drink" for years thinking it was no harm to my diet but now I have learned different. Bummer. Anyone else know more?!

How many carbs in Bacardi big apple?

a japanese technique, focused on cravings, worked for me, make sure you thank me if you will get success 🙂 God Bless You!

How many calories does Barcardi gold rum have?

bacardi rum has 50 calories per shot, obviously without mixer and has no carbs!! drink on my friend!!!

Who owns the Bacardi rum company?

Bacardi & Company Limited.

How many carbohydrates are in a Bacardi and Diet Coke?

Bacardi Rum and Diet soda have no carbohydrates.

Cost Bacardi rum?

Bacardi's about $12 for a fifth.

What proof alcohol is Bacardi?

Bacardi is 80 proof.

Who is the CEO of bacardi?

The CEO of Bacardi is Seamus McBride