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The chloride anion is not observed in solution.

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Q: Do you see chloride dissovled in water?
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Sodium chloride be dissovled in water?

Sodium chloride is very soluble in water - 360,9 g/L.

Can wax be dissovled in water?

No, wax and water are immiscible.

Salt dissovled in water physical or chemical?

Dissolving in water is a physical change.

What kind of reaction takes place when sodium chloride is dissovled in water?

A "reaction" doesn't really occur, but the sodium chloride ionic crystal structure is broken down by the hydration energy fo the water in a process called "solution" (or dissolving). The NaCl then remains as dissociated Na+ and Cl- ions in solution (aqueous).

When dissovled in water a base is a substance that reacts with?

A base reract with acids.

Is Liquid sodium chloride is a good conductor?

Yes because this is an ionic compound so when its dissovled in water the ions are free to conduct electricity

What molecules dissociates into cations and anions when dissovled in water?

any (strong) electrolyte

How do you get salt out of water after it is dissovled?

The easiest way is to evaporate the water off which may be speeded up by boiling

Plasma is about 90 percent water and 10 percent what?

10 percent of dissovled substances

What is the most abundant substace dissovled in ocean water?

if u do not know this u are a handy

What will you see when you dissolve potassium chloride with water?

Potassium chloride is soluble in water, so when you dissolve it, a colourless solution will be observed. I hope this helps!

Does rainwater Not Contain Any Dissovled Minerals Is Called Hard Water?

No; hard water contain carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium.