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Yes, as long as you are both in uniform.

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Q: Do you have to salute the officers of allied militaries?
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Do officers of equal rank salute each other?

Yes. It is customary for junior officers to salute more senior officers. They also salute officers wearing command insignia and everyone, officer or enlisted salute anyone wearing the medal of honor.

Do you salute chief warrant officers?

It depends which armed forces you are a member of.Generally you do not salute warrant officers. Salutes are reserved for commissioned officers.A commission is only granted by the head of state. Such commissioned officers grant warrants, hence the name.Countries have different rules regarding warrants and warrant officers. Some you salute, depending on rank and other criteria.

Do you salute foreign warrant officer warrant officers?


Do you salute officers when you under an overhang?

Yes. You're still outdoors, and still required to render a salute.

Which Soldiers of what nation do not salute officers?

Netherlands - Their army is unionised.

Who gets saluted in the armed forces?

Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers are saluted by all enlisted personnel. Commissioned Officers of subordinate rank are required to salute other Commissioned Officers of higher rank. All military personnel are required to salute recipients of the medal of honor regardless of rank.

If 2009 was the year of the NCO what is 2010?

2010 will continue to be the year of the NCO. Noncommissioned officers are the backbone of Western militaries.

Do you salute civil air patrol officers?

Military personnel are not required to render a salute to CAP personnel, but they are not restricted from doing so if they desire.

Does a warrant officer salute other cos?

A Warrant Officer salutes any Warrant Officers senior to themselves, and all commissioned officers.

Why do Military people salute?

Military personnel salute each other to show respect. It is also a formal military courtesy. Usually enlisted men/women salute officers first. The officers will then either return the salute or put them at ease. In the field (i.e. combat zones) you are not supposed to salute. This is because as mentioned above enlisted persons usually salute officers first. If a sniper or spy is watching saluting an officer would give away the fact that they are an officer and therefore they would become a ideal snipers target. If you eliminate a officer it is Both A: Bad for troop morale. And B: units have a tendancy to fall apart. Hope this helps.

What are example of Army customs?

never turn and walk away to avoid giving a hand salute One important army custom is the salute. There are strict rules for who must or must not salute. Soldiers must salute senior officers unless their hands are occupied in work that would make a salute impossible. If a soldier is imprisoned, he loses the right to salute. Another custom is the playing of the Army Song at various parades and ceremonies.

Will you please give 3 reasons why the police are important?

To provide protection to chase robbers to salute their officers