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no, i am learning spanish

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Q: Do you have a different language?
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What are the different language used in cyberspace?

WHat are the different language used in cyberspace?

How different is British sign language from American sign language?

It is quite, quite different.

Do all country has there own language?

No. For example, there is no language called Mexican and no language kalled Venezuelan, but in different countries there may be different dialects of the same language

What is language test?

what is language test?discuss different types of language tests.

Why do French speak a different language?

French do not speak a different language: they all or nearly all speak French. The people who do not speak French, are the ones using a different language.

Why do pirates say 'me hearty'?

because pirates had a different language. eg phillipino people have a different language.

Why you need language translators?

so you can understand a language, or learn phrases in a different language.

Why do you need language translator?

so you can understand a language, or learn phrases in a different language.

Why people from different cultures may have different body language?

Body language, like spoken language, is learned from others, even if that happens on a subconscious basis. So, different cultures teach people different things.

Is macaroni European language?

Macaroni is a food, not a language. A different word, macaraonic, refers to text using a mix of different languages, but is not a language itself.

Is this sentence grammatically correct - she spoke different language?

No. You need to use the indefinite article "a" if you are talking about one language. "She spoke a different language." / "She spoke in a different language." You would not need it if the word is plural. But you could have a number. "She spoke different languages." (than someone else) "She spoke several different languages."

How different is Irish from English?

Fairly different. A lot of words can be identified as the language is being simplified over the years, but the foundation is different. English is a germanic language, whereas irish is a celtic language