

Do werewolves jaws could crush bones?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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As they are so hard and sharp it is able to crush bones

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Q: Do werewolves jaws could crush bones?
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AnswerThe Spotted Hyena has the strongest jaws of any carnivore. They can crush the hardest of animal bones. But the Tasmanian devil, has the strongest jaws for it's size, it is stronger than a lions. The Hyena, it commonly crushes the thigh bones of Buffalo to get to the nutritious marrow inside. Its scats (Faeces) are often white because of the high content of calcium from crushing and eating bones.

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Ligers are very strong mammals. Their jaws especially can easily chop threw bones. They are part lions and part tiger, and lions jaws are one of the strongest in the world