

Do they fly the confederate flag in the US?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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For some values of "they", and some values of "the confederate flag", yes.

The Battle Flag of the Army of Tennessee, the one that's red with white stars on a dark blue saltire (diagonal cross) that most people automatically think of when they think "confederate flag", is flown by some people as a symbol of their heritage, or in some cases as a symbol of a heritage they wish they had.

It's also flown by some racist morons.

Distinguishing between the two groups can, in some cases, be problematic, since the racist morons like to hide behind the "heritage" folks.


The current Georgia state flag is quite similar to the first Confederate national flag (the "Stars and Bars"); it's essentially identical to the 13-star variant of the Stars and Bars with an additional emblem in the center of the circle of stars.

Mississippi's state flag is a bit like the secondConfederate national flag (the "Stainless Banner"), except that instead of a pure white field the field is divided into three bars, from top to bottom blue, white, and red.

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