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You are an atheist simply if you do not believe in any god(s).

Most people who do not "believe" in evolution have that opinion because they have been misinformed or mislead about what evolution actually is and what that scientific theory states. Evolution is a fact, and is used by the Theory of Natural Selection to explain how diverse and complex life arose. It does not require nor it depends on faith or belief in a religious sense.

Most people who criticize evolution and Natural Selection don't actually understand them. People who understand them almost always consider them a fact because all the evidence indicates that they are true. Also, there is no evidence to indicate these scientific theories are false. Any Search Google for any evidence that evolution isn't true will almost certainly yield Creationist Propaganda which either misrepresents the theory, or is flat out untrue.

A great resource for all that information is: http ://

Another answer:

Many Christians believe in God as well as understand and accept the scientific theory of evolution. Evolution just means "change over time" and is not antithetical to beliefs in higher powers.

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8y ago

No. Many Christians and followers of other religions are quite comfortable in accepting the reality of evolution.

For example, the position of the Catholic Church: Pope Pius XII stated in his encyclical Humani Generis (1950) that there was no opposition between evolution and the doctrine of the faith and that he considered the doctrine of "evolutionism" a serious hypothesis, worthy of investigation and in-depth study equal to that of the opposing hypothesis; Pope John Paul II, in an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1996), said that new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis; Pope Benedict has refused to endorse "intelligent design" theories, instead backing "theistic evolution" which considers that God created life through evolution with no clash between religion and science.

And the position of the Episcopal Church: The Episcopal Church has said that the theory of evolution does not conflict with Christian faith. In 2006, the General Convention affirmed, via Resolution A129, that God is creator and added that "the theory of evolution provides a fruitful and unifying scientific explanation for the emergence of life on earth, that many theological interpretations of origins can readily embrace an evolutionary outlook, and that an acceptance of evolution is entirely compatible with an authentic and living Christian faith."

The Church of England also accepts evolution and is considering a motion to apologise posthumously to Charles Darwin for criticising his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.

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9y ago

No, evolution is not only accepted by atheists. Scientific theories are not forms of "belief". And I do know a few Christians who believe in evolution. It is no longer a religious issue, but more of an individual evaluation of facts.

Few, if any, believing Jews, Christians, or Muslims believe in evolution in the Darwinian sense of natural selection. Rather, believers believe in the concept of God guided evolution, which is not Darwinian evolution through natural selection as it is understood by biologists.

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9y ago

No. Many Christians and followers of other religions are quite comfortable in accepting the reality of evolution.
For example, the position of the Catholic Church:

Pope Pius XII stated in his encyclical Humani Generis (1950) that there was no opposition between evolution and the doctrine of the faith and that he considered the doctrine of "evolutionism" a serious hypothesis, worthy of investigation and in-depth study equal to that of the opposing hypothesis;

Pope John Paul II, in an address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1996), said that new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis;

Pope Benedict has refused to endorse "intelligent design" theories, instead backing "theistic evolution" which considers that God created life through evolution with no clash between religion and science.

And the position of the Episcopal Church:

The Episcopal Church has said that the theory of evolution does not conflict with Christian faith. In 2006, the General Convention affirmed, via Resolution A129, that God is creator and added that "the theory of evolution provides a fruitful and unifying scientific explanation for the emergence of life on earth, that many theological interpretations of origins can readily embrace an evolutionary outlook, and that an acceptance of evolution is entirely compatible with an authentic and living Christian faith."

The Church of England also accepts evolution and is considering a motion to apologise posthumously to Charles Darwin for criticising his Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.

For more information, please visit:

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You are an Atheist if you reject the claims of any God or gods. For example, you could reject God (the Christian or Islamic God), but not reject Brahma and, therefore, be a Hindu, not an Atheist.

Accepting or rejecting evolution has nothing to do with Atheism per se. The majority of people who accept evolution are Christians and the majority of people who accept Creationism are Non-Christian Theists. (Muslims and Hindus are overwhelmingly Creationist.) However, evolution provides a mechanism that can explain the diversity of life on Earth well enough to remove God from that area of science, meaning that it has been used as an argument to lead to disbelief, when, in reality, evolution says nothing about the existence or presence of God. Evolution only holds that God is unnecessary to achieve diversity in the world.

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Is it true that only atheists accept the theory of evolution?

No. Many theists, including Christians, believe that evolution occurred. Belief in some sort of god and belief in evolution are not mutually exclusive. Some even believe evolution was guided by some divine entity such as God.

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Mennonites are a Protestant group of Christians. The are a group of people of different ethnic origins who believe in God and practice their religion. Atheists are a group of people who do not believe in God. Atheists could possibly believe in evolution.

Are all scientists who believe that evolution is correct atheists?

No, some actually profess faith even despite the truth. That is fine.

What are some atheist worldviews?

Atheism is not an organised movement, in the way that a religion would be. It is simply the belief that no god exists, or at least that there is no reason to believe that a god exists. Beyond that, different atheists are free to hold such worldviews as they wish. However, there are some secondary beliefs that most atheists would probably subscribe to by not believing in a creator god. If, as atheists believe, there is no God, then the world and all living things were not divinely created. This does not necessarily lead on to believing in evolution, but evolution is the most rational belief for most atheists. So, although it is not necessary to be an atheist to believe in evolution (many religious people also believe in evolution), most atheists would see evolution as part of their worldview. Atheists have no reason to believe that a great flood covered the entire world, or even just the entire Middle East, a few thousand years ago. Nor would they see a rainbow as a message from God. Atheists who have studied elementary science would see the rainbow as no more than a sprectum of light, created in the clouds in just the same way as a rainbow can be created by a prism. Atheists do not believe that the world is destined to end soon. They believe that, barring a nuclear war, the world will continue for millions of years to come.

Because you are an atheist do you have to believe in evolution?

If you don't believe that a supernatural force brought into existence all life into its present form, evolution is pretty much your only option to explain the diversity of life. Luckily there s sufficient evidence for evolution that it can easily be accepted as a fact (like gravitation) and np "belief" (in the religious sense) is required.Ansswer:In that atheists do not have any common "beliefs" except that there are no gods, they are free to believe in anything they want. As the usual opposite for evolution is creationism, and that belief requires a god, atheists would no believe in it. However alternate theories (panspermia, we're all figures in computerr game like in The Matrix, the rest of you are just figments on my imagination, etc.) the belief in evolution is not a 100% sure thing.

What are the pentecostal beliefs about evolution?

They do not believe in evolution; only creation.

Do atheists believe in God?

No, atheists do not believe in "God". Atheism is a lack of a belief in gods.

Are all evolutionists atheists?

Religion is often seen as antithetical to science; but just because one does not believe in the existence of a God has no bearing on whether or not they subscribe to a scientific theory: the Creation vs. Evolution conflict is non existent for them because they don't believe in God. If they want an explanation for how life came to be, it's probable that they would believe in evolution and other rational concepts. No. There have been atheists around for as long as history, and they pre-date the theory of evolution. There were Roman atheists and Greek atheists. Bhudda was an atheist (or at least agnostic) and he certainly would have never heard of the theory. That said: evolution is the only theory which most matches all the evidence. Anyone who understands how theories work must, when examining the different theories, conclude that evolution is most likely to be true. There simply isn't any evidence to support Creationism (otherwise known as "Intelligent Design"), and there are no competing scientific theories which match the evidence as well as evolution does. Many educated Christians also believe in the theory of evolution, for the same reason. Note: this does not mean that evolution is true. It could yet be shown to be wrong (though that is highly unlikely). It just means that it is the only explanation which fits all the known facts, and consistently makes predictions which come true. Should evidence be found which disproves it, then most atheists will abandon it the same way any disproven theory should be abandoned by objective people.

Is evolutionism the same as atheism?

"Evolutionism" is nonsense, not because evolution is incorrect, but accepting its validity is not a religious claim like Creationism actually is. By the logic of calling the acceptance of evolution as evolutionism, we should call people gravitationalists, roundworldists, and germists because they "believe" in gravity, a round world, and that germs cause diseases. Evolution by natural selection simply means that by random genetic differences selected by environmental factors, creatures slowly change from one species to another. The largest number of people who accept evolution are Christians, not Atheists, even though a much larger percentage of Atheists accept evolution than Christians. Evolution says nothing about God, souls, the afterlife, or our place in the universe. It only explains the diversity of life.Atheism is the rejection of all god claims. It is a specific claim about what religions can demonstrate to be true.

At the beginning of the universe scientists believe that stellar evolution contained only what two elements?

Scientist believe that stellar evolution contained only hydrogen and then helium.

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Why do so many people believe in theory of evolution?

Sir Arthur Keith who believes in evolution said, "Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it ONLY because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable."