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Yes, sometimes they do.

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Q: Do men ever fall in love with a woman who is cheating on her husband?
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What if a woman fall for a married man?

the word fall exsplains it, not good ,ever fall and not get hurt?

Why do man keep cheating with same woman?

ANSWER:Could it be that he loves this woman even she isn't his wife? There are some married man who do fall in love with another woman, and the man I married was one of them.

How do you make a woman fall in for you in bed?

It good to make them be happy fist tell them what is gud as husband ,

Do Men have ever fall in love with a woman with acne all over her face and some scaring?

A true man will fall in love with a woman for what is on the inside. No outward flaw could ever come between you.

What can you do to make my man moe in with me?

There are many things that a woman can do to make her husband fall more in love with her, including taking him on a romantic vacation. A woman can also buy their husband something that they really want.

The other woman only used your husband to get her marijuana and said that she told him that she did not want to be in a monogomous relationship does he love her or is it the sex?

Most likely it is the ever hopeful need that we as human beings often fall prey to: To not be alone....

In things fall apart why is the woman brought back to her kinsmen?

The woman is not brought back to her kinsmen but runs away from her husband to her kinsmen in order to escape her frequent beatings at his hands.

Should a woman stay in a relationship if the man cheated on his wife he has kids with his wife and also always in debt?

Im sorry NO you cant if your in debt your husband is just cheating and you got kids you cant let your kids fall victim for arguments im sorry time for you to divorce. No. And if you are the Mistress let go and go away.

Does a woman ever fall in love with a horse?

A very small percent of woman tend to fall in love with a horse. This is illegal in most states, because the government sees this as animal abuse. It is however legal in some states.

Was it worth losing your marriage to have an an affair with another woman?

Sometimes two people that get married find they are not compatible with each other and fall out of love and if the man has an affair he may fall in love with the other woman and although cheating is not the right thing to do if he left his wife he does not love for the other woman then he made the right choice. If he still loves his wife then he has hurt her deeply by cheating with another woman and he could well have lost a wonderful and loving person over an affair. Often the other person in the affair is not all the married man thinks they are and he will be the one to pay the price.

Does your husband love you after he stops cheating on you?

I believe most men still love their wife while cheating and still do if caught. Most men cheat for the adventure and not for love while some are trapped by a woman that wants them. B: Married men are different, they have their own reason to what they are doing. There are some husband that do still love their wife even he stop having an affair. And there are who also love their wife but at the same time fall in love with the other woman they are seeing. In my own opinion a man who loves his wife will never hurt her or even destroy what they build together. There are some married men who falls out of love that is why he start looking for another woman that he thinks can love him and for him to love her. And there are some married men who loves the wife and still find another woman to love because of his ego. If it can be done no one is a winner here, especially if there's children involve.

In things fall apart what did the disposition of Mgbafo's case indicate about the status of women?

Women such as Mgbafo were treated as property to their husband, but she was not wrong in running away to save her life from her husband's beating. Beating a woman too frequently was looked down upon, particularly if said beating causes a woman to miscarry.