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Since flies are insects, they do not have a backbone. They have an exoskeleton instead which is only on the outside.

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Q: Do houseflies have backbones
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Related questions

Are houseflies vertabrates?

Only animals with backbones are vertebrates. Insects do not have a backbone.

Are houseflies vertebrates?

No. All flies are invertebrates, just as all arthropods are invertebrates. These creatures do not have backbones.

Is there houseflies in Alaska?

There are no houseflies in Alaska.

Do houseflies grow?

Houseflies are born from maggots.

Who are houseflies enemies?

The houseflies enemies, other than the human, are spiders.

What is the family name for houseflies?

The family that common houseflies come from are Muscidae.

Where have all the houseflies gone in Australia?

Nowhere. There are plenty of houseflies still in Australia.

Why do houseflies rub their hind limbs?

When houseflies rub their hind limbs together, they are cleaning themselves. Grooming is a primary activity among houseflies and may even be called 'hand' rubbing.

Why are houseflies called houseflies?

Because it is the most common of all domestic flies and lives in human habitations.

Do houseflies turn into a maggot?


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Are houseflies arthropods?

Yes they are.