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yes.Hindus believe in Samsara.Its practicly apart of thier religion.Samsara is the cycle in reincarnation when you die you get reborn!C,mon people im 7 and i know that.LEARN YOUR FACTS

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Q: Do hindus believe in samsara
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How do Hindus believe in reincarnation?

Hindus believe in samsara, an eternal cycle of birth, life and deaths or reincarnation, explains How Stuff Works. In Hinduism, each individual soul is considered immortal or eternal. Samsara is controlled by karma, which, in Hinduism, is the moral law of action and reaction.

Why do Hindus want to achieve moksha?

so that they can be freed from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth (samsara). Hindus believe that when they are freed from the samara (birth ,death, rebirth) they can be with BRAHMAN (which is their god)

What do hindus want to escape?

They want Moksha.

How does samsara relate to the Hindu notion of time?

Hindus have very good notion of time. Samsara means the society according to hindu mythology.

What is Hindu Dharma?

The Hindu religion is very complicated. Dharma is only apart of it. Dharma means duty and obligation. is belief is a cycle from the hindus. they believe that Dharma is there duty, then they believe that what they did is good and their "gods" think so to that is what is called Karma which means something like this "what comes around goes around". and lastly Samsara. they think that Samsara is there recarnation.

Do Hindus believe in human sacrifice?

No. Hindus do not believe in human sacrifice.

What are the key beliefs of Hinduism?

Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is β€œatman,” or the belief in soul.

Do Hindus have in an afterlife?

Hindus believe in reincarnation.

What do Hindus believe about jesus?

Some Hindus believe he didn't exist. Some Hindus believed he existed but wasn't divine. Some Hindus believe that he existed and was divine. It all depends on the Hindu that is asked.

Which religions believed in reincarnation?

Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs believe in reincarnation.

What is the main beleif of hinduism?

For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It's more what you do, than what you believe. Hindus believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman. Brahman takes on many forms that some Hindus worship as gods or goddesses in their own right. Hindus believe that there is a part of Brahman in everyone and this is called the Atman.Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, in one body after another. The soul is sometimes born in a human body, sometimes in an animal body and sometimes in a plant body etc.. Hindus believe that all forms of life contain a soul, and all souls have the chance to experience life in different forms.Samsara means going through the cycle of repeated births and deaths (reincarnation). Hindus believe that existence of this cycle is governed by Karma.

What did the Hindu's believe in?

Hindus believe god