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if they are in a void no matter how much the object vibrates it won't produce any sound waves

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Yes they do

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Q: Do strong vibrations produce loud sounds?
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What sounds do bees hate?

Bees seem to hate or are distracted by high pitched sounds. They do not like loud noises nor do they respond well to strong vibrations.

What sounds does a violin produce?


What are the instrument that produce loud sounds?

Drums, trumpet, violin, and many more, make loud sounds.

How sounds differ?

From a seventh grade perspective, I think it is how loud or soft it is. It depends on how fast the vibrations are.

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Do loud speakers produce ultrasonic sounds?


Why can't we produce ultrasonic waves by loud speakers?

Loud speakers can produce ultrasonic waves. But since the normal purpose of loud speakers is to produce sounds for people to hear, there is seldom a reason to produce sounds that people can't hear (other than to annoy certain animals).

What may happen to the ears of people who wear headphones and turn up the sound?

if very loud sounds enter the ears the vibrations set up in the ear fluid are so strong that they damage the fibers and stop the nerve endings being stimulated. this could produce premanent ear damage and deafness.

How loud are jet engines?

Jet engines produce a variety of incredibly loud sounds. These sounds can potentially make you go deaf if you are too close.

Are bees afraid of loud noise?

Bees don't have ears so don't hear sound in the way we do. They are sensitive to vibration through their legs and possibly their antennae and can be alarmed by strong vibrations. they do have ears. whether or not they are afraid of loud sounds, i don't know, but the fact that they have ears is a repetitively new discovery

How Do Sounds Differ?

From a seventh grade perspective, I think it is how loud or soft it is. It depends on how fast the vibrations are.

Can you feel sounds?

Yes. Strictly speaking, what we interpret as "hearing" is actually our inner ear "feeling" the vibrations of sound. It's also possible to feel the vibrations of loud music, explosions, etc.