

Do all mosquito's feed on blood?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No, only the female mosquitos feed on blood.

Mosquitoes primarily feed on nectar from flowers. Both males and females will feed in this manner, sucking the nectar through a proboscis, much the same as a butterfly does. However, the female is also capable of drinking blood, an act called haematophagy. Females do not require blood to survive, but they need supplements, such as protein and iron, to enable them to develop and lay their eggs. The female Mosquitoes do not actually "bite". They will actually pierce the skin with their sharp proboscis, injecting a mild painkiller as they do so, to numb the pain, and will then proceed to suck the host's blood.

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If you are referring to mosquitos then the answer is blood If you are referring to mosquitos then the answer is blood

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ONLY! female mosquitos suck blood males feed on nectar :)

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females do so that they can give birth to more mosquitos( dont let them bite you)

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Partially right. They are a species of fly, so yes, they are a bug (well, an insect). However, only the females feed on blood- and not all the time. They also get juices from plants. Male mosquitos do not drink blood.

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No spider in the UK feeds on human blood. However there are several insect species and arachnids that do, mosquitos are an example of the former, ticks the latter.

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No, mosquitoes don't eat mushrooms. They only feed from other animals and humans. They suck blood from living things to survive.