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im pretty sure that not all crabs eat hermit crab food. unless that u mean that do all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food? then the answer to that is yes. all hermit crabs eat hermit crab food.

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12y ago


Hermit crabs are scavengers and can eat all fruits, veggies, lean(not fatty meats) SEA salted nuts, egg yolk, egg white, and egg shells.

Stay away from human food like Pizza, twinkies, seasonings on meat, ect. . .

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14y ago

No. Land crabs eat land food, while sea crabs eat sea food.

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Q: Can sea hermit crabs eat normal hermit crab food?
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How does a hermit crab catch there food?

hermit crabs use their claws to grab food

What is the best food for hermit crabs?

The best food to get is the Crab Cakes!

How do hermit crabs find there food?

Hermit crabs find their food 2 ways by seeing another crab eating it or just by smelling it. I know this because I have 2 hermit crabs myself.

What is in the hermit crab diet?

Hermit crabs eat a variety of food, like storebought food, fruits, veggies, and fish. DO NOT give your crab dairy. He will DIE.

What do baby hermit crabs eat?

Baby hermit crabs will feed on plankton until they have grown enough to resemble a hermit crab, when they will start to feed on a normal hermit crab diet.

What is a hermit crab mite?

Hermit crab mites are like head lice for crabs. They are small wingless insects that crawl around inside the shells of hermit crabs. And, just like lice, they have nothing to do with how clean or dirty the habitat or crabs are. Mites can hide out in hermit crab toys, bedding and even food.

What is the best food you can get for a hermit crab?

Try giving it algea sheets. its the food that is available in the natural habitat of hermit crabs

Can you feed hermit crabs banana?

Yes, bananas are good for them!

What is a hermit crab and what do they eat?

Hermit crabs are scavengers so in the wild they will climb trees to eat insects and will eat fallen fruit from trees. in captivity you should have a food bowl and change the food once a day. the food you should be fruit and veggies.

What do tank hermit crabs eat?

vegetables and crackers tank hermitt crab food

How does a crab care for itself?

Anemones attach themselves to the hermit crabs, to provide as a source of camouflage from its prey. They depend on hermit crabs to move about and to search for food

What is a hermit crabs favorite food?

Hermit Crabs like fruit ( No citrus fruit), palm tree bark, and my hermit crabs love Zoo Meds Hermit Crab food.Don't get the dried up shrimp for them, they won't eat it.