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Agnostics celebrate any and every holiday that they choose to celebrate, but they probably don't celebrate religious holidays for the same reasons that believers do. For example, many agnostics celebrate Christmas, just because it is a major secular holiday (as well as a religious one). What prevents an agnostic from celebrating Thanksgiving? It is a wonderful holiday.

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14y ago
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14y ago
  • Atheists and agnostics will generally celebrate the same things as everyone else. The only difference is that we ignore the religious content in celebrations like Christmas, and, some of us mark earlier pagan celebrations that take place at the same time of year instead.
  • We give gifts and spend time with family just like anyone else.
  • We celebrate births and marriages, but any ceremony is usually done as a secular occasion. Wedding vows are still given, rings are exchanged, etc, but readings from a holy book and references to God are removed. They aren't performed at a "holy" building.
  • Burials are done in much the same way, with eulogies and such; the religious ritual is just left out.

That's it. Take the religious celebrations and remove the god stuff. That's what we celebrate. Some of us pick and choose holidays, or choose to celebrate none; there are no set rules. Atheism is not a creed or formal practice.

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13y ago

Agnostics are not a monolithic bloc of people. They all have different ideas about how to do things and what to celebrate.

However, they usually follow the trends on the society they live within. Most would celebrate birthdays.

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13y ago

It's all up to the individual, but most people celebrate SOMETHING.

Take Christmas as one example. Many agnostics observe Christmas, or Midwinter, or Yule, or whatever they choose to call it. Christians are supposed to believe in the deity of Jesus, and emphasize his birth when observing Christmas. Agnostics may consider the existence of God a possibility, not a forgone conclusion; and if God exists, Jesus may or may not be the humanization of God. However, Midwinter was already being celebrated (sometimes for 12 days) before anybody connected it to the birth of Jesus. In fact, there is no real evidence that Jesus was even born in December.

The spring celebration that became Easter also has been around longer than Christianity.

And, of course, there are celebartions that have nothing to do wityh religion, such as July 4 Independence Day in the USA, September 16 Dia del Grito in Mexico, and so forth. there is no reason for an agnostic not to celebrate those, or whatever applies to his own country.

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The Boy Scouts of America's official position is that atheists and agnostics cannot participate as Scouts or adult Scout Leaders in its traditional Scouting programs. - Wikipedia

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There is no reason to expect all agnostics to have the same answer to that. Obviously the world came to exist some way. If you believe you can explain exactly how and why, then your answer works for you. Your answer might not satisfy everyone.