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No, like everyone else the officers of the Secret Service live at their homes or apartments. While on duty they live with the person they are guarding, wherever that person may be (home, traveling, hotel, etc.).

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Only while on duty.

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Q: Does the secret service live in the office?
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Where do the secret service live?

In a boat.

Does Jimmy Carter still have secret service protection?

No. Jimmy Carter declined to have secret service protection when he left office.

Which office is NOT part of the Department of Justice?

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Will Obama's daughters have bodyguards after he gets out of office?

Yes, President Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia will continue to have Secret Service protection for ten years after he leaves office. President Obama and will have Secret Service protection for life. Michelle Obama will have Secret Service protection for life unless she divorces or remarries.

Who gets secret service protection after leaving office?

The President of the United States gets protection for ten years after leaving office if he chooses to have the Secret Service continue to protect him. The President does have the option of not being protected by the Secret Service once he leaves office but few opt out of the protection.

Does the secret service agencies report to the president?

no. is a separate agency from the President's Office

Does Chelsea Clinton get secret service protection?

This means that Bill and Hillary Clinton will continue to get Secret Service protection when Clinton leaves office, but Chelsea will finally be free.

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What is the purpose of the secret service badge?

If someone engaged in official business requires cooperation or assistance, they have to be able to prove that they do hold the office, such as membership in the secret service, that they claim to have. A badge, therefore, is a form of identification. Admittedly, once you identify yourself, it's not a secret anymore. But then, the secret service is not always that much of a secret.

Is Barack Obama protected by the special service?

Yes, former presidents like Barack Obama are protected by the United States Secret Service for their lifetime after leaving office. The Secret Service provides security and protection to former presidents and their families.