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Wages received because of an injury is usually workers compensation. That compensation is to compensate for lost wages, which would have otherwise been earned while working. Those earnings are still taxable.

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Q: Do I have to pay taxes on wages received do to an injury?
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Do you pay taxes on the settlement of loss of wages claim?

Yes this is very possible because the amount is replacing wages that you had not yet received and paid any income tax on yet. So the amount will be subject to income taxes in the year that you receive the amount of lost wages.

What term refers to the pay received by workers?

Wages (A+)

Are wages earned your gross pay or your net pay?

The wages you earn are your gross pay. After taxes and everything else is removed from your paycheck, what remains is your net pay.

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Yes, you will have to pay taxes on any estate money received.

How do people pay taxes?

People pay taxes in many different ways. Taxes are taken out of your paycheck, you pay taxes when you make purchases at a store, and you pay taxes on your home and property.

Do you pay social security on a retirement incentive payment that is not wages?

Yes it is very possible that the retirement incentive amount will be subject to social security taxes in the year that the is received.

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Taxes do you have to pay on a slip and fall settlement?

Settlements that are paid for a physical injury are not taxed. The settlement that you receive for a personal injury claim such as slip and fall cover lost wages, medical appointments, and pain and suffering. These settlements are made so that a person can feel "whole" again.