

Do British people speak Latin

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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England people don't speak in latin. In old days other contries use to but now none of people speak in Latin. England people only speak in English or American or more but mostlly English and American.

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Q: Do British people speak Latin
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literally 5% of people on earth can speak fluent latin

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I speak and study Latin. So people do speak and study Latin.

Do you speak British?

No. People from Great Britain are British- most speak English. There is no language called British.

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How many people speak Latin?

Latin has ZERO native speakers and it is estimated that there are less than 10,000 people in the world that can speak it fluently as a second language.Answer:The only people who speak Latin are those people who have studied the language. There is no country in the world where Latin is the primary language. As the saying goes: "Latin killed the Romans- now it is killing me!"

Does English people speaks American English?

People who are American speak American English and people who are British speak British English.

What language do people from latin speak?

There is no such thing as a "person from latin". Latin is a language, not a place.If you are talking about a person from Latin America, most speak either Portuguese or Spanish. Some speak French.

When did people in Italy first speak Latin?

they first spoke Latin in 1877

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Bolivian people speak Latin American Spanish which is a little different from Spanish.

Do people speak pig Latin?

Most likely no.

Where do people speak latin?

Latin is considered a dead language and is no longer spoken as a primary language in any country. However, it is still used as the official language of the Roman Catholic Church, and it is studied and learned by scholars and students around the world for its historical and linguistic significance.

What is the most complicated language to speak?

latin cuz most people don't speak it