

Do African violets have flowers

Updated: 4/8/2020
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13y ago

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Yes, indeed they do. African violets have beautiful flowers, they grow in many colors.

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Q: Do African violets have flowers
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African violets are male or female flowers?

African violets are male and female flowers. They have pistils (the female part) and stamen (the male part)

Rainforest flowers and what they can be used for?

orchids, and i think African violets-im pretty sure that African violets are tropical, vanilla orchids are used to make vanilla, the flavor vanilla, like in ice cream, and African violets are used for medical uses, a lot of tropical flowers or rainforest flowers are used for medical uses

What is a plant name that starts with a?

African Violets and Azaleas are flowers. Alyssum, Aster and Amaryllis also are flowers.

Is there such a thing as yellow African violet flowers?

Yes, there are some very nice yellow African violets available. Online.

What is the scientific name for African violets?

The scientific name for African violets is Saintpaulia.

What plants and flowers were popular during the 1920s?

african violets, geraniums, monstera deliciosa, spider plants, christmas cactus

Do African violets have any predators?

No, African violets are not endangered, many hobbyists grow them and show them. However, most of the African violets grown by hobbyists are hybrids. On another hand, some subspecies of the Saintpaulia species (the African violets as they were discovered in the nature) are endangered.

What seasons do African Violet flowers bud in?

The seasons that African violets flower depend on their variety. Some of the older varieties seem to flower all the time or at least every two months. Please refer to the related link below where you can see many photographs of beautiful African violets.

Can African violets cause an allergic reaction?

Yes, African violets emit pollen which can trigger an allergy.

Are African violets autotrophic or heterotrophic?

African Violets are plants and make their own food, so they are autotrophs.

What insect pollinates African violets?

you can self pollinate them by taking the pollen from one flowers anther and sticking it to the tip of the stamen of a different flower.

Daffodils carnation are which type of violets?

Daffodils and carnations are totally different type of flowers from violets.