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No! The US actually traded heavily with Japan in an effort to get their economy back onto a non-wartime basis. The trading has continued to this day.

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Q: Did the United States stop trading with Japan after World War 2?
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Who is Japan's most important trading partner?

Japan trades with many countries throughout the world, however, it's most important trading partner is the United States.

How did the US treat Japan after the World War 2?

The United States demanded the Japan pay for war damages.

Is the US powerful than Japan?

Yes, that's how the United States defeated Japan by the end of World War 2. The United States are powerful enough to defeat Japan.

What is the top export country in the world?

The world's leading exporter is the United States followed by Germany and Japan. The world's largest importer is the United States, and by a significant amount.

How is Japanese history and American history similar?

Japan and the United States did not become acquaintances until US trading ships showed up in Japan demanding the isolationist country to open its trading ports. From then on, Japan adopted Western Culture and traded with the Europeans in order to please the Europeans so they would not attempt to take over Japan as they had to China. The US and Japan became major trading partners. In World War I, they were both a part of the Allies, although Japan did all the fighting in Asia by just simply taking German colonies while the United States fought in Europe. It wasn't until World War II that Japan and the United States became enemies, as Japan joined the Axis Powers and the US remained a part of the Allies. The two countries fought endlessly in the Pacific, as the US (with the help of the UK mainly) attempted to destroy the Japanese Empire. The United States prevailed and ended up defeating Japan. As a result of aggressive behavior showed by Japan during World War II, the United States and Allies decided to demilitarize Japan as a country. But because Japan needs an army to defend itself, as any country does, the US swore to protect Japan in any war in the future. This helped restore the bond between the US and Japan, as they, again, became large trading partners. In addition, the US and Japan had the two largest economies from 1980 until 2010, when China surpassed Japan as the second largest economy.

How did Japan bring United States into world war 2?


Does Mexico have free trade?

In fact, Mexico is the country with most free trade agreements in the world, including the United States, Canada, Japan, the European Union and many more among its trading partners.

What country stood in the way of Japan becoming a world power?

united states

Where did japan get 80 percent of its oil in world war 2?

United States

Who was in charge of occupied japan after world war 2?

The United States of America

Where is the opposite side of the world to United States of America?

china maybe or japan???

What were difficulties of the United States' bombing of Japan in World War 2?
