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No, the US Supreme Court found in: Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38 (1985), that the law was Unconstitutional and struck it down.

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Q: Did the Supreme Court rule that Alabama statue that authorized a one minute period of silence in mediation and voluntary prayer was a valid right?
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When was Alabama Supreme Court created?

Alabama Supreme Court was created in 1819.

What position has the supreme court taken on moment of silence laws mentioning voluntary prayer?

its hard

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Where is the Supreme Court building in Alabama?

The Alabama Supreme Court building is located in dowbtown Montgomery at 300 Dexter Avenue, about 700 ft. east of the Dexter Avenue Martin L. King Baptist Church.

What is the highest court in the Alabama state judicial branch?

The highest court in the Alabama judicial branch is the Supreme Court of Alabama. You can reach their home page via Related Links, below.

How did the international labor defense help the Scottsboro boys?

They got Samuel Leibowitz to represent the boys, appealed it to the Alabama Supreme Court and then the US Supreme Court.

Did the Supreme Court of Alabama rule on the constitutionality of Alabama's ban on same-sex marriage?

No. Alabama's ban is being challenged in federal court (Hard v. Bentley) in a suit filed on February 13, 2014.

What is the proper name of the Canadian Supreme Court?

According to section 3 of the Supreme Court Act (Canada) the proper name is "Supreme Court of Canada." Section 101 of the Constitution Act 1867 authorized the creation of "a General Court of Appeal for Canada."

In December of 1956, the Supreme Court ended the bus boycott by ruling that?

Alabama’s segregation laws were unconstitutional.

What did the supreme court declare to be unconstitutional in 1956?

November 13, 1956 the Supreme Court affirmed the ruling in Browder v. Gayle that the bus segregation laws in Montgomery Alabama were unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment.

How long does a case take in Alabama supreme court?

The duration of a case in the Alabama Supreme Court can vary widely depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the case, the number of parties involved, and the court's caseload. Generally, it can take anywhere from several months to a couple of years for a case to be resolved in the Alabama Supreme Court.

When were the Montgomery Alabama buses desegregated?

The Montgomery, Alabama, city buses were desegregated on December 20, 1956, as the result of a court order arising from the Supreme Court's decision in Browder v. Gayle, (1956).