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Yes. In 332 BC, Egpyt was under the control of Alexander the Great from Greece. He was a large influence there, and founded one of Egypts greatest cities, Alexandria. Greek rule lasted until 30 BC, long after the death of the great conqueror, Alexander.

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The Persians sacked the city-state of Athens but did not conquer Greece in it's entirety .

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Q: Did the Persian army conquer Greece at Athens?
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Under Xerxes I the Persian army captured Athens following the battle of Thermopylae. The Persian king to conquer Athens , was the famous Persian king called Cyrus.

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The Persian army went on to torch the city of Athens .

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The Persian expeditionary force was defeated by the army of Athens and its ally Plataea at Marathon in 490 BCE.

What Accomplishments did xerxes do?

Xerxes was a son of the ruler Darius the First. He tried to conquer Greece again. In 480 BC, the Persian Army set out for Greece. They were also joined by the Persian Navy. I think they lost the war.

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The Persians would have won if Sparta and Athens had not united to fight the Persian Army

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The first major battle of the Persian Wars was Ephesus in 498 BCE, when the Ionian forces, supported by contingents from mainland Greece - Athens and Eretria - were defeated by a Persian army.

Why did the Greeks fight the battle of Marathon?

This war was faught by the Greeks against the Persian Army because they wanted to conquer Athens and all of Greece. The war a Marathon was under the leadership of General Miltiades, who resisted and won the battle over the Persians. It is 26 miles from Marathon to Athens and thus the beginnings of the real marathons we enjoy today created by the one man who reached Athens stating that the Persian fllet was coming and they fought them back into the sea. Panayiotis Koukoumelis +++

Why was the battle of salamis significant?

Stranded the Persian army in Greece without naval support.

Who were the opponents in the Persian war?

The Persian Empire versus a coalition of Greek city-states led first by Sparta, then Athens.

Where did the Persian army head after it defeated the Greek force?

After defeating the Greek navies at Artemesium, the Persian army moved to Athens and occupied it.

Where did the Persian army enter Greece?

Through the pass of Tempe.

Why did Sparta decide to help Athens in the Persian war?

Because the Persian army wanted to destroy individual Greek poli, so Athens convinced other poli to combine forces with them and make a league or an alliance in order to attack the Persian army and eventually win.