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Yes because bronze is made of copper so copper was around before bronze

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Q: Did the Bronze Age come before the Copper Age?
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What does copper have to do with the Bronze Age?

Copper was a significant resource in the Bronze Age as. along with tin, copper is a component of bronze.

What period followed the Stone Age?

the bronze age came after the stone age though in the near east copper age came before bronze age. Hope that helps! :)

Why did bronze age come before iron age?

because bronze was on earth first

What is a mixture of tin and copper?

Bronze is the mixture of tin and copper. Bronze is an alloy that is much harder than copper. Many things were made out of bronze in a time period known as the Bronze Age.

What did they use copper for in the bronze age?

As an alloy with tin to create bronze.

Why was the bronze age before the iron age even though iron is easier to find?

Iron is harder to refine than copper.

Where was copper mined in the bronze age?


What year was copper popular?

Copper was used by humans from the Bronze Age.

Why isn't there a copper age instead of a brass age?

The Copper Age period is transitional between the Neolithic and Bronze Age.

Was the Stone Age before the Bronze Age?

The Stone age was earlier. The Bronze Age started in 3200-1200 BC and the Stone Age started in 4000 BC.Yes, the Stone Age came before the Bronze Age.Yes.The Bronze Age is the period of human time between the stone and iron ages, terms referring to the material with which tools and weapons were made. The Bronze Age followed the Neolithic and the Paleolithic in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. These early ages were periods when people used stone implements. The Bronze Age was the beginning or the era in which metals were used. The first part of the Bronze Age may be called the Calcolithic referring to the use of pure copper and stone tools. Copper was known in Anatolia by 6500 B.C. It wasn't until the second millennium B.C. that bronze (copper and tin alloy) came into general use. In about 1000 B.C. the Bronze Age ended and the iron age began. Before the end of the Bronze Age, iron was rare. It was only used for decorative items and possibly coins. Determining when the Bronze Age ended and the Iron Age began therefore takes into account the relative preponderance of these metals. (

How did the people from the bronze age find out about bronze?

When people mixed Tin and Copper together.

Why was the Copper Age important?

Originally defined as a transitional period between the Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age, the Copper Age (or Chalcolithic Age, or Eneolithic Age) is now regarded to be part of the Bronze Age because it is characterized by the use of metals. It was during this time period that early metallurgists found that the addition of tin to copper produced the harder metal, bronze.