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Q: Did the American Revolution the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution all led to the atmosphere that encouraged Romanticism?
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How did the industrial revolution promote imperialism?

It (Industrial Revolution) encouraged imperialism by: It (Industrial Revolution) created a need for raw materials and markets.

How did entrepreneurs contributed to industrial revolution?

by encouraging farmers to move from the country to cities to find factory work....................

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What was the romantic movement?

your mom is the literary movement Romanticism is the outcome of the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. The catchwords of libertry , equality and fraternity and the dislike of the city life and its artificialities drew poets to the simplicities of Nature and the humble people of the countryside. Democratic principles flourished and anti-institutionalism encouraged by the French Revolution worked as a source of inspiration for Romanticism to flourish. Dr.Ratan Bhattacharjee emotional expression and heightened imagination

What kind of conditions existed in before the industrial revolution?

Britain had social mobility, which encouraged people to work hard.

What historical development encouraged people to leave their homes and farms to work in mills and earn wages?

The industrial revolution

What kind of condition existed in britain before the industrial revolution?

Britain had social mobility, which encouraged people to work hard.

What historic development encouraged people to leave their homes and farms to work in mills and earned wages?

I think you are referring to the Industrial Revolution.

What historic developments encouraged people to leave their homes and farm to work in mills and earn wages?

I think you are referring to the Industrial Revolution.

What historic development encouraged people to leave their homes and farms to work in mills and earn wages?

I think you are referring to the Industrial Revolution.

True or false During the Industrial Revolution middle class women were encouraged to work outside the home?

Yes there were middle class women in the industrial revolution. They were raised to become good house wives and mothers.

What was true about the rapid increase of U.S. cotton exports?

It encouraged industrial developments across the world