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No. Chickenpox did not come from smallpox they are 2 separate viruses.

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10y ago

no its not they are totally two different diseases

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Q: Is chickenpox related to smallpox
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Can you say viruela for chickenpox?

No, "viruela" is not Spanish for chickenpox. Viruela is smallpox, while varicela is chickenpox in Spanish.

Can you get smallpox from chickens infected with fowl pox?

No. Chickenpox is species specific, meaning that humans get chickenpox.

How are chicken and smallpox different?

chicken pox are mostly on the chest and face and smallpox's are mostly on the face and legs. smallpox is considered eradicated and chickenpox is not.

What are the different kinds of pox?

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What kind of itchy bumps turn into a rash an spread?

Smallpox, Chickenpox, Monkeypox, Cowpox

What are some illnesses with similar symptoms to Impetigo?

Shingles is a viral disease related to chickenpox. It results from reactivation of the lifelong infection with the chickenpox virus. Chickenpox can cause myocarditis as a complication. There can be secondary bacterial infection of the skin. Rarely there can be viral encephalitis.

Are chickenpox and smallpox similar?

Smallpox, cowpox, and chickenpox are all viral diseases that can cause sores. They are caused by different viruses. Smallpox is a serious illness, while chickenpox and cowpox are usually self-limited.Chicken Pox is usually a mild childhood illness caused by Varicella. It is related to the bug that causes shingles.Cowpox is found on the udders of cattle in the form of a rash or spots. It may also be found on domestic cats who enjoy catching mice and other small rodents.A man called Edward Jenner noticed that dairymaids who caught Cowpox from cattle didn't get Smallpox. Smallpox was a serious and often fatal disease. So Edward Jenner thought that if people were given the very mild Cowpox germ they would be protected from the dangerous Smallpox germ.He began to experiment and found the best way of giving people cowpox was by making a small scratch on the skin and dabbing the cowpox germ onto it.It worked, and Edward Jenner is known as the Father of Modern Medicine. His vaccination programme spread throughout the world and Smallpox is said to be eradicated so that people are no longer vaccinated against Smallpox. I was vaccinated but my children weren't because Smallpox is no longer a threat. ity was from this idea that other vaccinations were developed.

What is the treatment for patients diagnosed with smallpox?

Smallpox has been eradicated so it does no exist; ergo need not be cured. Chickenpox cannot be cured - you just need to go through it.

Patient reports fever started several days before blisters appeared Based on the information would you suspect chickenpox or smallpox?

Smallpox, because the rash is centrifugal on the patient.

What is the difference between cowpox and smallpox?

SmallpoxVery serious and contagious disease coming from virusesCowpoxEruptive skin disease that's contracted from direct contact with an ulcer on the teat of a cow