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Besides discovering the photoelectric effect, Einstein developed the Theory of Special Relativity and the Theory of General Relativity, which are the basis for quantum theory and particle theory, and the formula E=Mc2 that indirectly led to the atomic bomb, nuclear power, and much of the current theory about the structure of the universe. Other than that, not much.

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Q: Did albert Einstein invent anything that means something to the world?
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Did Albert Einstein invent something?


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Einstein was not an inventor, and did not invent anything.

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Einstein was not an inventor, and did not invent anything.

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Einstein did not invent anything because he was not an inventor.

What kind of things did Albert Einstein really invent?

Einstein did not invent anything. He gave us whole new theories.

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Albert Einstein did not invent mathematics.

What Albert Einstein invent?

Albert Einstein was not an inventor.

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No, Albert Einstein did not invent repeating decimals.

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Albert Einstein did not invent the light bulb(neither did Thomas Edison).

What did Albert Einstein invent that is important today?

He didn't actually invent anything, he discovered stuff though and lead to development.

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Did Albert Einstein invent the phonograph?

No, Einstein did not invent the phonograph, that was invented by Thomas Edison.