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yes he did hang hera from the side of mount Olympus

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Q: Did Zeus hang hera from the side of mount Olympus?
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Is Zeus good or bad?

He is mostly good, but he did do bad things. For instance when Hera gave birth to Hephaestus, Zeus threw him off the top of Mount Olympus because of his repulsive appearance!

Who are the god and goddessess of mount Olympus?

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Pan, Nike, Nemesis, Iris, Hecate, Asclepius, and many more.

Does Zeus live on mount Olympus?

Zeus was one of the Olympian gods, and all the Olympian gods lived on Mt. Olympus. There were twelve Olympians. They were: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus. Hades was not considered one of the twelve Olympians, even though he is one of the major gods because he was not allowed on Olympus except on the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year. (Hades has his own palace down in the Underworld where he rules.)

Did Zeus and Hera ever have an affair?

Zeus and Hera were married, but Zeus had many affairs.

How did Hera tricked Zeus?

Hera first makes an excuse to leave her divine husband Zeus; in her deception speech she declares that she wishes to go to Oceanus "origin of the gods" and Tethys, the "mother". Instead Hera beautifies herself in preparation for seducing Zeus, obtaining the help of Aphrodite. In the climax of the episode, Zeus and Hera make love hidden within a golden cloud on the summit of Mount Ida. By distracting Zeus, Hera makes it possible for the Greeks to regain the upper hand in the Trojan War.

Related questions

Where is Hera's kingdom?

Hera doesn't have her own kingdom, she lives on Mount Olympus with her husband/brother, Zeus (Mount Olympus/the heavens is Zeus' kingdom).

Where did hera and Zeus lived in ancient Greece?

On Mount Olympus.

Where did Hera an Zeus live?

they lived in Heaven but mostly on Mount Olympus

Where was Hera located?

Queen Hera was located at Mount Olympus with her husband,Zeus,king of the gods.

What is the occupation of Hera?

Hera is Queen of the gods at Mount Olympus, married to Zeus, and Goddess of Marriage and Fertility.

Who is the ruler of the gods and goddesses on mount Olympus?

Zeus is the ruler and Hera is the queen.

Who were Zeus' and Hera's parents' names?

zeus and hera are the king and queen of the olympians

What are some accomplishments big of Hera?

Hera was a greek goddess who lived on Mount Olympus and was queen of the gods. She was also married and the sister of Zeus, king of the gods, and ruler of mount olympus.

What is zeuss background?

Zeus lives in mount Olympus with Hera nd and his brother and sisters.

Who was Haphaestus?

The Greek God of Metallurgy. He was born to Zeus and Hera, but Hera through him off of Mount Olympus because he was ugly

Where was Ares greek God of War born?

He was born on Mount Olympus, his parents were Zeus and Hera

Why Hephaestus leave mount Olympus?

Hephaestus didn't leave Mount Olympus, his mother, Hera, was so ashamed by his ungodly looks that she threw him straight off of Mount Olympus. When Athena was born from Zeus' mind, Hera's jealousy got the better of her. She thought that, if Zeus could make a child just by brains, so could she. The result was Hephaestus, who is told to be the ugliest god there ever was on Mount Olympus.