

Did Paris win Helen of troy?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Did Paris win Helen of troy?
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Did Paris ever marry Helen of Troy?

When Paris heard about Helen, he decided to go to see her. Then they fell in love, and Paris stole Helen. When Menelaus heard about it, he collected all of Helen's lovers, and sailed the ships to Troy. They made a deal with Agamemnon, that they are going to fight together, and if they win, Menelaus is going to get Helen, and Agamemnon- Troy.

Who did Helen go with to Troy?

Aphrodite spirited Helen away to Troy to be with Paris.

How did the judgment of Paris start the Trojan war?

As thanks for letting her win, Aphrodite helped Paris abduct, Helen, Queen of Sparta, to Troy.

Who was kidnapped by Paris?

Helen of Troy

Who did Paris abandon for Helen of Troy?

Helen was Queen of Sparta before falling in love with Paris and went with him to Troy.

Who brought Helen to Troy?

Paris, one of the princes of Troy.

Who got married to the hellen of troy?

Helen of Troy was the daughter of Zeus and was the sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra. Helen of Troy married Paris, Paris was the son of King Priam of Troy.

Prince of troy who stole Helen away?

Prince Paris of Troy seduced Helen.Paris of Troy

Who was the Trojan prince who kidnapped Helen of troy?

Paris kidnapped Helen and brought her back to Troy.

Why was Helen called Helen of Troy?

She was queen of Sparta, but taken to Troy by the Trojan Prince Paris.

Where did Helen of troy live?

Helen was born and raised in Sparta. But when she was "kidnapped" by Paris, she lived in Troy.

Why was Helen abducted?

Helen of Troy was abducted by Paris, a prince of Troy, due to a combination of love and the will of the gods. Paris fell in love with Helen, who was considered the most beautiful woman in the world, and their elopement triggered the Trojan War as a result.