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I don't know how famous it is, but here:

is his first annual message to the nation, which contains some words of wisdom, imho.

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Q: Did Millard Fillmore have any famous speeches?
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Is Millard Fillmore on any coins?

Fillmore was the first released Presidential dollar for 2010. So yes he is.

Did Millard Fillmore have any pets?

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What degree did Millard Fillmore have?

Fillmore did not get much education or have the chance to earn any degrees but he studied law with a lawyer and passed the bar exam which let him practice law.

Which President did a veto on February 20th 1845?

Millard Fillmore was the President on this date, so if any vetoes were made then, je did it.

Who did Millard Fillmore anger the north or the south?

Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850 and like any compromise, it did not satisfy anybody, but it was most hated by strong anti-slavery people in the North.

Who was the vice president to Zachary Taylor?

Zachary Taylor's vice president was Millard Fillmore. Fillmore became the 13th US President when Taylor died in the White House on 1850 July 9.

Are there any key events in Millard Fillmore life that shaped his dream for the US?

Look it up in your book. You can't expect everyone to give you the answer. It's called cheating.

Did Millard Fillmore establish the White House Library?

Yes, in a way, Fillmore's wife, Phoebe noticed the White House did not own any books, so she petitioned Congress to put up some money to establish a permanent library for the White House,

How old is Millard fillmores kids?

They would be dead today. Fillmore was president in the mid 1800's and died in 1874, so any child of his would also be dead.

Did George Washington give any famous speeches?

it has not been answered yet.