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Tender breasts may or may not go with pregnancy. The tenderness also goes along with periods. So first establish if you are pregnate by being tested by a doctor or by using a store bought tester. If your pregnate then you have your answer. If your not then your probably coming close to having a period. --- Agree with previous answer. My breasts start "hurting" straight away after ovulation (cycle day 15) and they hurt throughout my luteal phase (the time between my ovulation and my period). So if it your only symptom it is more likely to be PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms) All the best!

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You may not be pregnant , have a urine test.

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Q: What if your breast's hurt but are not swollen is this a sign of early pregnancy?
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Are you pregnant if your breasts are swollen but don't hurt?

Both the times I was pregnant my breasts were swollen but not sore right away but only a pregnancy test will tell you for sure.

How far into pregnancy do your breasts hurt?

2 weeks after sex at the earliest

When do nipples hurt in early pregnancy?

that aint normal

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it really depents how far into the pregnancy you are....

If your breasts normally hurt from ovulation to your period now period is due in 3 days and it doesn't hurt is that a sign of pregnancy?

Impossible to say.

How early in pregnancy do your teeth begin to hurt?

after 69 days

When do your breast hurt before your period?

My breast typically hurt about a week or so before my period is due, but i have heard that swollen or tender breast can be signs of pregnancy.

At what point in pregnancy do breasts hurt?

Swollen or tender breasts is a pregnancy symptom which may begin as early as 1-2 weeks after conception. Women may notice changes in their breasts; they may be tender to the touch, sore, or swollen. ther pregnancy signs include: 1. Implantation Bleeding 2. Delay/Difference in Menstruation 3. Fatigue/Tiredness 4. Nausea/Morning Sickness 5. Backaches 6. Headaches 7. Frequent Urination 8. Darkening of Areolas 9. Food Cravings However if you want a confirmed answer on whether you are pregnant or not, what you can do is to take a home pregnancy test one week later after your missed period. If you are really pregnant by then, the pregnancy stick will be able to detect it due to high hormones level. Another alternative is to see a doctor and have a blood test taken

Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

If you have swollen breasts and some other symptoms of pregnancy but your period came a week late and seems to be normal and your period is over and your breast still hurt can you still be pregnant?

No It couldn't be like having regular menstural flow for normal days and still be pregnant . It is not possible but abrupt bleeding may occur due to some problem in pregnancy and its duration and quantity may vary and have different effect on pregnancy.

Do your breasts always hurt during pregnancy?

They shouldn't! Actually, that is one of the sign of advanced breast cancer! You'd better get checked!

At what stage in pregnancy do your nipples hurt?

It can be a sign of pregnancy but EVERY women are different.