

Could the universe be both finite and infinite?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Could the universe be both finite and infinite?
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Those lists are both infinite. If you could specify a range, it would be easier.

How does Olbers' Paradox relate with the Big Bang?

If our Universe were infinite both in size and age, then our entire sky would, by necessity, be filled with light at all times. That it is not is Olber's Paradox -- and indication that our Universe must be finite in either size or age. The Big Bang was a hypthesis that it was finite in age; and every prediction made by the BB that has been tested has supported the hypothesis.

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The three differ in their extent. Lines are infinite in both directions. Line segments are finite: they have two well defined end-points. Rays are finite in one direction, infinite in the other: it has one end-point and stretches to infinity in the other direction.

Is our universe one in an infinite number of what describe as a universe?

The universe people think is infinite but in albert enstien general therom of relativity there might be enough mass to close the universe but not in a circular shape but in a oval shape as there isnt enough mass to make it circle but enough to make it oval and it is not infinite as it is 164,000,000,000 light years wide or 50 gigaparces

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ummmm, galaxies can have galaxies in them unless they combine, also, we don't know, the universe is infinite and we have ye to see beyond our local galaxy cluster... sorry but that is an impossible question (although if the universe is infinite then nothing is quite impossible...)

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There are an infinite number of values between 43 and 100. Each decimal can be infinitely subdivided. If you are considering values contained in the set of real numbers, both finite and infinite decimals must be included.

How is it possible that the universe could have existed for an infinite amount of time in the same state if galaxies are continously receding from each other?

It can't, at least one of those two suppositions must be false; possibly both.

How large did Einstein calculate the universe to be?

Einstein never made any such calculation. Even today the total size of our Universe is speculative at best. Einstein speculated it was infinite in both size and age.

Do parallelograms tesselate?

Yes. Remember that rectangles and squares are both parallelograms. Square tiles are the most common. The next most common are rectangles. Both shapes can tessellate finite planes. Other parallelograms can tessellate infinite planes (or finite ones if you allow parts of the parallelogram along the edge of the plane.)

Is intersection of two countably infinite sets can be finite?

Easily. Indeed, it might be empty. Consider the set of positive odd numbers, and the set of positive even numbers. Both are countably infinite, but their intersection is the empty set. For a non-empty intersection, consider the set of positive odd numbers, and 2, and the set of positive even numbers. Both are still countably infinite, but their intersection is {2}.

In the infinite universe theory does the universe have no beginning and no end just like numbers from negative numbers going to positive numbers?

There is reason to believe that there is an infinity of space out there, just as time is infinite, both in the past, and in the future. At some stage in this infinity of time and space, our universe began. In fact, the multiverse hypothesis says that our universe is only one of many such universes that have come into existence, or will in the infinite future. However, Einstein proposed that our universe (and therefore each universe if the multiverse hypothesis is correct) is curved, so that it in some way has an outer boundary contrary to Professor Hawkins saying the universe may have no boundary as the universe is possibly self contained. Minority viewpoint: The Infinite Universe Theory states that the universe exists everywhere and for all time. Thus the universe had no beginning, although each part of it has a beginning and an ending, being assembled from other parts in the necessarily Infinite Universe. This is in tune with the First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation), which states that "Matter and the motion of matter neither can be created nor destroyed." The opposing assumption is Creation, the belief that something could be created out of nothing. The Big Bang Theory of the origin of the universe is wildly popular largely because most people follow religious tradition in assuming Creation. In tune with that logic, modern physicists accept numerous odd claims such as the shibboleth that space could be curved even though it is supposed to be completely empty. For further details go to the whole point is the universe don't have a end because it has no beginning

Can you relate the number of elements of a set to its number of subsets?

If the set has "n" elements, then you can make 2n different subsets. The number of subsets will always be greater than the size of the set, both for finite and for infinite sets.