

Could people in ancient Greece vote on government issues?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Only citizens had a vote.

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Q: Could people in ancient Greece vote on government issues?
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The forms of government in ancient Greece tended to divide the people of Greece rather than unify them.

What contributions did people have to make to the government in ancient Greece?

The senate

Did Ancient Greece have a president?

Ancient Greece (specifically, Athens) practiced Direct Democracy. There was no president, nor were there governmental representatives. The people voted directly on the issues themselves rather than having representatives in government.

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The Mycenaeans are the people who ruled the ancient Greece.

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The Assembly of the citizens.

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There is about 16,000 people that live in Ancient Greece. Greece has a little population.

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The people from ancient Greece were known for their height, or lack of. They were a particularly short people.

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Ancient Greece, because majority of people per fer the food in Greece, then the food in China.

Were all people in ancient Greece allowed to be in the government?

Yes and no. If you were a woman or slave you couldn't. Only free men could.

How is the government elected in Greece?

People in ancient greece got elected by making the athenian citizen vote. For the assembly Government the one only men could go into to....they picked people randomly. but for the Council...they made athenian citizens vote...and they picked 500 people

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Aristocracy (Air-ihst-ock-rah-see), Example: Ancient Thebes, Greece A system of government in which a few people rule, usually the richest, and higher class.