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blood in urine usually means a UTI.

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Q: Could blood in your urine mean you are pregnant from intercourse you had just after a menstrual cycle?
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How is spotting different from menstrual period?

menstrual period is the monthly blood circulation of girls while spotting are the release of the blood when you are pregnant

Would it matter if you got menstrual blood on your pregnancy test?

I would expect that menstrual blood would be a good indication that you are not pregnant. if your not trolling

Could a blood test tell you if you are pregnant just days after you've had intercourse?

Not usually. It normally takes a couple weeks for the pregnancy hormone to show up in a blood test.

What is the problem when your menstrual blood tissue comes out the size of a round marble?

Maybe you were pregnant.

How soon can you find out if you are pregnant through a blood test?

Generally fourteen days after intercourse.

Can a menstrual cycle affect pregnancy?

You dont get your period while pregnant. The blood goes to the baby.

What does having brown blood during a menstrual cycle mean if you are not on the pill or having sexual intercourse?

Basically, menstrual 'blood' is not just blood, it's the remains of the tissue that has built up - so it is not unusual for it to come in a different colour than normal, red blood. Chances are it means absolutely nothing :)

How do you differentiate blood due to hymen rupture and menstrual blood after first intercourse?

There is no way to tell them apart, although bleeding from hymen rupture may be very short and spotty.

What is the function of uterus and cervix?

The function of the cervix is to allow flow of menstrual blood from the uterus into the vagina, and direct the sperms into the uterus during intercourse.

What if a blood test showed you were only a few days pregnant after intercourse eleven days prior?

The test was inaccurate.

Could you still be pregnant if you have had two periods this month and received a negative blood test from a doctor 5 weeks after intercourse?

No, unless you have had unprotected sex since then. Please remember to protect yourself. Always wear a condom.

Is it normal to feel menstrual cramps when 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes, providing they are not severe or come with blood.