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I think you may be referring to what are called "Braxton-Hicks" contractions.

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Braxton hicks

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Q: What type of contractions are intermittent painless uterine contractions that are not true labor pains?
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What are the signs of contractions?

The strongest indication that contractions are occurring in association with true labor is that the contractions begin to occur at regular intervals. This is contrary to Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are spontaneous, random uterine contractions that do not occur with actual labor.

What is the Pathophysiology of labor pain in pregnancy?

patophysiology of acute pain related to moderate uterine contractions secondary to labor pain

What medications is hormones the improve uterin contractions?

Oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for uterine contractions. This is important during labor, and sometimes the doctor will prescribe an artificial version to give to the expectant mother to start the labor process.

Which chemical causes contractions in the human body?

Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced by a woman's body that causes uterine contractions. They use Pitocin, which is a synthetic oxytocin drug, to induce labor.

Can fever cause uterine contractions?

Yes, the fever could cause some contractions but it is very unlikely that it will cause you to go into labor. You should call your physician if you have a fever and are pregnant.?æ

What is the second phase of labor?

As the mother enters the second stage of labor, her baby's head appears at the top of the cervix. Uterine contractions get stronger. The infant passes down the vagina, helped along by contractions of the abdominal muscles and the mother's pushing.

If your having painless contractions and are 1 centimeter dilated are you in labor?

no, I am 37w 2 days and I'm 80% effaced and 1 cm and they don't think I'll go into actually labor for at least another week if not more. your contractions are just getting your cervix ready for actual labor.

What stage of labor lasts from four to twenty-four hours and includes strong uterine contractions that cause the cervix to open and may rupture the amniotic sac?

the first stage of labor.

What are the 6 P's of labor and delivery?

Passenger (fetus), Passageway (pelvic bone/pelvic structures), Power (uterine contractions), Placenta, Psyche (psychological state), Prayer

What stage of labor lasts from four to twenty four hours and includes strong uterine contractions that cause the cervix to open and may rupture the amniotic sac?

first stage

What is another term for labor pain?

Labor contractions might be the best term but not all contractions are painful.