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Dirt. When you put vegetable scraps into a container with holes in it for air, dead leaves, some water, and dirt, (worms are extremely helpful for composting) the scraps break down into moist, airy dirt that is good for gardens or house plants. If you mean to keep composting for a long time, you can buy a composting barrel, that is a barrel on a stand you can spin around easily.

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Q: Composting is a means of turning organic garbage into?
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Does composting yard waste increase the amount of garbage sent to landfills and so increase greenhouse gas emissions?

No, composting yard waste means you keep it as compost. There is no increase in the amount of garbage sent to landfills. Correct composting releases no greenhouse gases.

Is garbage a geothermal energy?

No garbage is not geothermal. Geothermal means heat from under the ground like the power under volcanoes. Garbage can be used as biomass, which is a renewable form of energy. The garbage can be burnt (or organic garbage can be fermented to generate methane, which can be burnt) to produce electricity.

What does it mean to be 'making compost'?

Turning out dark brown, rich organic matter through the breakdown of appropriate materials by appropriate levels of air, heat and moisture is what 'making compost' means. The process is called composting. The pertinent materials to be composted are called compostable materials. The end result is called compost.

What word means turning to stone?

The word you are looking for is "petrification." It refers to the process of turning organic material into stone or a substance resembling stone.

What is the term which means composting by the use of worms?

Vermicomposting is the term which means composting by the use of worms.Specifically, the first part of the word, vermi-, comes from the Latin word vermis. The word functions as a masculine noun in its singular nominative form as the subject of a sentence. It means "worm."Although composting was known and used by the ancient Romans, the Latin terms is not used in the second half of the above-mentioned term.

What is mean by garbage?

Garbage collected means that the memory used by an object has been reclaimed by the garbage collector.

What is mean by garbage collected?

Garbage collected means that the memory used by an object has been reclaimed by the garbage collector.

How do you say the garbage in French?

'Les Ordures' means the garbage in french. x

What is inorganic garbage?

Lets start with the definition of organic. Organic means anything that naturally occurs in the world and most commonly refers to plants and animals.Inorganic, on the other hand, refers to those things that are man-made, frequently chemical-based, and DO NOT naturally occur in the world.So, organic garbage refers mainly to animal and plant based refuse that can breakdown and biodegrade harmlessly over time while inorganic garbage refers to man-made trash that has to be re-processed or recycled and CANNOT naturally break down or bio-degrade (plastic items, harmful chemicals, etc...).

What is the meaning of the term 'garbage in garbage out'?

it means what ever rubbish goes in it comes back out.

What does letters gigo stand for?

Regarding computer programming, GIGO means: garbage in, garbage out.

What does the phrase Garbage in Garbage out mean?

The phrase 'garbage in, garbage out' (GIGO) means if the wrong data is entered into a computer system, the information that is produced by the system will also be incorrect.